I hope this pamphlet finds you in the presence of bass. My name is Ja-Boing and I have has the pleasure of being Oola the One’s personal caretaker, producer and social media manager for eons now and I have learned a lot in my quest to embrace the eternal wobble.
One does not exist in the infinite over night. While the bass is strong and the drop is sick, the eternal wobble is, as you will soon find out, not just in your ears. No, it is in your root and most importantly you heart. Oola has spent many a moon in the presence of the bass. Oola sleeps in it’s womb like rumble night after night sucking on lilly-saps and watching the screens.
No, the eternal wobble is not easy to understand, or to capture. I have poured over Oola’s masterpiece, The Woballah, and selected some of my favorite tombs to hopefully inspire the reader to start down their life long journey. Whether you’ve only just spent the night with Oola or you’ve been following Oola’s teachings for decades, I hope this little pamphlet has some crispy nugs of knowledge that will feed your peace pipe.